Fully equipped Latin alphabet
Some typings
Technical blueprint
Base: 0
Descender: -250
X-height: 750
"The Captive" translated by I. Zheleznova
arka: type foundry and design studio


arka Malizia typeface is a result of a historical research on South of Italy. Was conceived and designed in October 2023 — January 2024 and development was completed in March 2024.

Artem: The main reason for starting this font was a survey that we did together with two Italians who live in the Caltagirone area and an Italian artist who is engaged in ceramic sculpture, including ceramics from the Caltagirone mine.

This research was dedicated to the history of ceramics in Europe, Asia, and Sicily, as a “bridge” between the two parts of the world. Historically, Sicily was a place where European, Arab, African, and Asian cultures mixed thanks to its convenient location in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and many ports on the coast: here, every city that has contact with water has a large port for sales and exchange.

This also applies to ceramics, which is why there are now many ceramic workshops in Sicily. But it was the Caltagirone zone that interested us, as it is the second largest in Italy.

As a result, our research led us to the old cemetery of Caltagirone of the 17th and 18th centuries, where I noticed a marble lettering of interesting shape over one of the family tombs.

Caltagirone is a small town in central Sicily. For more than two thousand years, the city was a citadel of the Byzantines, Arabs, Genoese, and Normans, who controlled the plains of Catania and Gela.

Already for many years is considered the ceramic capital of Sicily and there are more than 80 ceramic workshops in the city that are still working. At that time in the area of Caltagirone, in cemeteries, all the letterings were made of marble, so all the letters in arka Malizia font were initially made of wood with imitation of marble, for lack of free large pieces of marble nearby :)

And than digitalised to match stone-like form and geometry. The main point was to find limits of the material from which these letters were made, so we tried to convey the shape and geometry of the references as close as possible to those forms that couple hundred years ago were made from real marble.

This font was dedicated to history and historical forms, so I did not try to make it suitable for all uses.

Designed and developed by Artem Khotulev

arka Malizia typeface is a result of a historical research on South of Italy. Was conceived and designed in October 2023 — January 2024 and development was completed in March 2024.

Artem: The main reason for starting this font was a survey that we did together with two Italians who live in the Caltagirone area and an Italian artist who is engaged in ceramic sculpture, including ceramics from the Caltagirone mine.

This research was dedicated to the history of ceramics in Europe, Asia, and Sicily, as a “bridge” between the two parts of the world. Historically, Sicily was a place where European, Arab, African, and Asian cultures mixed thanks to its convenient location in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and many ports on the coast: here, every city that has contact with water has a large port for sales and exchange.

This also applies to ceramics, which is why there are now many ceramic workshops in Sicily. But it was the Caltagirone zone that interested us, as it is the second largest in Italy.

As a result, our research led us to the old cemetery of Caltagirone of the 17th and 18th centuries, where I noticed a marble lettering of interesting shape over one of the family tombs.

Caltagirone is a small town in central Sicily. For more than two thousand years, the city was a citadel of the Byzantines, Arabs, Genoese, and Normans, who controlled the plains of Catania and Gela.

Already for many years is considered the ceramic capital of Sicily and there are more than 80 ceramic workshops in the city that are still working. At that time in the area of Caltagirone, in cemeteries, all the letterings were made of marble, so all the letters in arka Malizia font were initially made of wood with imitation of marble, for lack of free large pieces of marble nearby :)

And than digitalised to match stone-like form and geometry. The main point was to find limits of the material from which these letters were made, so we tried to convey the shape and geometry of the references as close as possible to those forms that couple hundred years ago were made from real marble.

This font was dedicated to history and historical forms, so I did not try to make it suitable for all uses.

Designed and developed by Artem Khotulev


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